Foto Dogteam Sweden

Nordic Rally Obedience Championship 2024

The time has come for Sweden to once again organize the Nordic Rally Obedience Championship. The Championships takes place the 9th-10h of November at Upplands Väsby outside of Stockholm.

The Swedish Working Dog Association (SBK) together with the organizer Värmdö BK takes great pleasure in inviting the four National Teams and are looking forward to an exciting competition and an overall pleasant event.

We also have the pleasure of welcoming an audience, at the location or by streaming.

The Championships consists of both a team and an individual competition, three rounds in total of which two will be the basis for the team award and at the end of the final we will be able to award a Nordic Rally Obedience Champion. Norway, Finland, Denmark, as well as Sweden, will participate with one country team each, consisting of five handlers/dogs.

This webpage is meant to give some orientation of what the Championships are based on. We also aim to be a source of overall information for those who are not familiar with the dog sport Rally Obedience.


Rally Obedience basics

If you are not familiar with Rally Obedience, let’s start from the beginning. ”Rally” is a dogsport for everyone, young as well as older dogs and humans, large or small, long or short fur… everyone!

The Championships is an event for the most skilled in the Nordics but there are a large number of people at all skills levels competing or just training for fun. Because having fun with your dog is what Rally Obedience is all about! It is even stated in the rules and regulations that joy is a vital part of training and competing.

On a country level the sport differs a bit so this is an information describing Swedish rally obedience, in Swedish.

Nordic Rally Obedience

Nordic Rally Obedience is originally an aggregation of the different countries local signs and rules. The  Championships have evolved over the years and are for the first time based on international signs according to FCI rules and regulations. There are many signs we recognize from the nordic ones, but some of them are new or different.

Learn more about the signs and see the film

Messages from our main sponsors

Look out for poisonous mushroom

Many dogs are poisoned by mushrooms every year, just like humans.
More info and advice at Agria webpage  (in Swedish)

A happy & healthy life

Dogs’ well-being is always our top priority at PrimaDog. High-quality dog food is nutritious and keeps your furry friend in great shape.

In connection with the Nordic Rally Obedience Championship we will launch a competition! In a few weeks you have a chance to participate and win products to a value of 1700 SEK.
Stay tuned!

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