Foto Dogteam Sweden

Preliminary program

The country teams, with 20 dogs and handlers in total, will compete in three rounds, two of them the first day, These two rounds are individual but the individual results will be the basis for a team result which leads up to a winning country team. The first day ends with an award ceremony for the Nordic Rally Obedience Championship Team Winner 2024.

The individual Final takes place the second day. Every individual team of handler/dog will bring their individual results of the first two rounds to the Final. At the end of the final all results from all rounds are summed up to an individual Nordic Rally Obedience Champion 2024.

You can follow the Championship by live streaming.

Please note that the timetable is preliminary and will be subject to some time changes.

Saturday 9/11

Preliminary timetable

8.30 Hall is open for visitors

09.00 Opening Ceremony

09.3o Activity for visitors when
judges are building the course

10.10 Course orientation

10.40 Start first round

13.00 Lunch break

14.15 Course orientation

14.45 Start second round

17.05 Paus

17.25 Award ceremony for the
team competition

Sunday 10/11

Preliminary timetable

08.30 Hall is open for visitor

09.00 Final – course orientation

09.30 Start final

12.00 Lunch break

13.30 Award ceremony for
The Individual
Champion Title 2024

14.15 The end of
Nordic Rally Obedience
Championship 2024