Nordic Rally Obedience Championship 2024

The Swedish Working Dog Association (SBK) together with the organizer Värmdö BK have the pleasure of hosting the fifth Nordic Rally Obedience Championship, 9-10th November 2024.

Norway, Finland, Denmark, as well as Sweden, will participate with one country team each, consisting of 5 handlers/dogs.

We are also pleased to welcome an audience, at the location or by streaming.

The nordic country teams presents themselves 

The competition

The competition will  lead to an individual Nordic Champion, as well as a Nordic Championship winning country Team.

Saturday 9th of November
The country teams, with 20 dogs and handlers in total, will compete in three rounds, two of them the first day, These two rounds will choose a winning country team. The first day ends with an award ceremony for the Nordic Rally Obedience Championship Team winner 2024.

Sunday 10th of November
The individual final takes place the second day. Every individual team of handler/dog will start the Final from their individual results of the first two rounds. At the end of the final all results from all rounds are summed up to an individual Nordic Rally Obedience Champion 2024.


The contest is judged by one judge from each country, four in total. Chief judge is Ida Lindgren from Sweden. The judges, together with a secretary from the same country, are positioned one by each square side.

The individual teams are judged by all 4 judges, all four judgements are added and constitutes the final score. In the event of a tie, there will be an elimination round. If that round leads to another tie the winner will be the one having made the fastest round.

The Judges and Secretaries presents themselves 


All four Judges will design a course each. The course used in the competition will be chosen as the consequence of a random draw.

The exercises are clustered in four degrees of difficulty, from 1 point to 4 points.  A course must contain at least 7 of the 4 point signs and at least 5 of the 3 point signs. In total the length of the course is 18-20 signs (in addition to the start and finish signs). A single sign can be used maximum two times per course.

Start order will be drawn before every round and the courses will go public at the same time.